1. My daughter says to me, "Mom, I want to go to school." 400 times EVERYDAY.
2. When I pretend to cry everytime she brings up the fact that she is, in fact, turning FOUR *sniffle, sniffle* in a couple weeks she yells at me, "BUT I HAVE TO TURN 4 CAUSE I NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN!"
3. I am beginning to crave Child-like conversation as opposed to ADULT conversation. There is no "baby talk" left in my daughters conversations AT ALL. Gone are the days when I would stand at the mailbox and wait for an hour just so I could "get the mail" and talk the postal workers ear off. Now I'm scouring the park for babies to "Ooo" and "Ahh" over to get my "fix."
4. Everytime we pass a school she says, 'Is THAT the school i'm going to tomorrow?"
5. She uses words like, "Actually" and "Totally;" and says things like, "I don't understand you, Mom." and "Well, maybe I'll just do it tomorrow instead."
6. When asked how old she is she promptly announces she is, "Three and Three quarters."
So I am now resigned to the fact that this sweet baby is growing up too quickly....

Now begin the Days of watching my Sweet "Baby" grow and change before my eyes...

Someone Pass me the Box of Tissues....
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