You are 4 today and I can't tell who is more excited between the two of us. You have the whole day planned out- which is very fitting to your personality. Things planned to a "T", everything has to be perfect, if anything happens that isn't a part of YOUR plan you get very upset. But it's helpful to me because you never let me forget the things I need to do and you make me accountable for the things I say- and I love that about you.

Today we are going to your favorite mexican restaurant for your favorite lunch (enchiladas and "orange rice") and we're going bowling (which you are SO good at!)

Thing's you love...
Your Daddy (somethings never change!)
Frozen Yogurt: Chocolate and Oreo flavored with cookie dough pieces and m & m's
Ballet, it's your favorite part of the week!
Painting and drawing, you are SO talented!
Wearing dresses, you hate when I make you wear pants- it's always a fight!
Babies, whenever there's one around you're in their face!
You love doing everything I do. You feel so left out when I go somewhere without you and you always have to have your hair similar to mine. I love when we walk out the door in matching outfits with matching hair. You love to copy me so much that You even copy my attitudes and behaviors towards others- I can only pray that I am always conscience of being kind and compassionate throughout the day and that I am acting in a way that is pleasing to God at all times. Like I said, you keep me accountable! =)
Things you are...
You're so girly and I hope that never changes.
Feisty!! =)
You are a planner! You really don't understand the concept of "future" at this age, but you are always asking me what the agenda is for today, tomorrow- next month!! Ha!
You have a heart for Jesus. You sing kid's praise songs at the top of your lungs with out any thought to who may be listening. You sing from your heart and mean every word. I love your fearless faith and it speaks to me everyday.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. You will never know or understand the impact you've had on my life. You are more of a gift that I can ever imagine deserving.
I Love You,
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