Dear Rhiannon-
My how things change in a matter of months!
You are now 4 years and 6 months, where did the time go?
You are preparing to start preschool. Mommy is having a much harder time with this than you are. We went and saw your new school and you beamed for days afterward, recounting every detail to anyone who would listen. You can't wait- but mommy can!
These past six months have been challenging to say the least. Daddy went on another trip, we visited North Dakota, and the summers calendar has been stuffed full of fun trips and play dates with friends.
You never went through the "Terrible Twos" but, boy oh boy, the 4 to 4 1/2's have been terrible enough to make up for it! It's been very challenging trying to find the methods of discipline and accountability that work for you. You throw tantrums that would put "TERRIBLE" two year olds to shame. But my love for you is unconditional and the moment you apologize my heart aches because I know that I probably wasn't on my best behavior in the midst of the tantrum either. We're working on it and are hoping school helps!
We celebrated your "1/2" birthday with pancakes and Disneyland!

Daddy and I also bought you your backpack and lunchbox for school- You look so proud in this picture

You are so beautiful Rhiannon, inside and out. You are special, and smart, and I'm so happy that I get to be your Mommy!!

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