Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rhiannon's First Swim Lesson

I am not the best blogger- life gets in the way and busyness takes over. It makes me sad but all I can do is try my hardest to document our amazing life more often so one day Rhiannon can look back and see how cute she was and how much fun she had!

As I said, this summer has been SO busy and is flying by! But I HAD to write a post about Rhiannon's first swimming lesson! I get so sad thinking about forgetting the little things she does or says and this is one thing I CAN NOT forget!

Nick and Rhi are total fish. Once they're in the water it's tough to get them out! But as hard as we try to teach her basic swim technique she will not learn from us- so we started swimming lessons at an amazing school here in West LA and she did SO good! She paddled and kicked with her little flippers on- Nick and I were so proud! ;)



Red Rose Alley said...

Hello Sarah,
I visited your blog today. I thought it was so pretty, and the photos of your family are wonderful. I read where you are a stay at home mom. I was also for so many years, and I think it was the best decision I made. We are Southern California gals too. We just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your beautiful ideas. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day. Oh...I love chicken tacos too.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Val said...

Aww, what a huge milestone!!