Sunday, May 2, 2010

Me- A to Z!

Megan at "It's a Wonderful Life" did this A to Z questionnaire and I thought it was cute and fun so I'm in!

Area Code: I live in (310) but my cell is still (951)!

Bed Size: We've had a Queen as long as we've been together but just bought a King about a month ago. I can NOT believe the difference! How did we ever survive without a King!?


Chore You Hate: I hate you DISHES!!!!!! Ugh. Especially because we don't have a dishwasher!


Dog's Name: No Dogs! Our 3 year old is enough!

Essential "Start Your Day" Item: Rhiannon saying, "Good MORNING Mommy!"

Favorite Color: Purple

Gold or Silver: I have always been a silver fan but I've been wearing a lot of gold lately!

Height: 5' 7"

Instruments You Play: Don't laugh- I used to play the saxaphone! Hahahaha


Job: Stay at Home Mommy!

Kids: Rhiannon, 3


Living Arrangements: By the Beach with the Hubs and the Kid!

Mom's Name: Marcy


Nickname: Mommy, Babe, Sarah-Su

Overnight Hospital Stay: When I was 12 weeks pregnant and when I gave birthPhotobucket>Photobucket
Pet Peeve: When people chew ice in my ear, people who are just mean and rude for no reason, honking!

Quote From a Movie: "Dear God! Please don't let the invisible fire kill my friend!!!"


Righty or Lefty: Righty!

Siblings: Bethany and Joanna


Time You Wake Up: It varies- mostly around 9 when Rhi wakes up

Underwear: Yes, I wear them!

Veggie You Dislike: I love all vegetables! =) Especially Brussel Sprouts!

Ways/Reasons You Are Late: Nick, My mom and Joanna, Rhiannon! Lol I HATE being late!!

X-Ray's You've Had: No x-rays!

Yummy Food You've Made: The list would be too long- I'm pretty good if I do say so myself! ;)

Zoo Animals You Like: I feel like I live in a zoo- so I'll say Rhiannon! =)





Mary Bergfeld said...

Sarah, you made me smile. It was a great way to start the day. I hope you, too, are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Adie said...

I am new here, I really like your blog! We tried moving from a king to a queen so our room would look bigger. Apparently I can't sleep when ing on me. I love brussel sprouts too!someone is breath